Children’s Church: 9:45 AM - 11AM
A dynamic approach to worship and God’s Word: children are present during the opening of the worship service and then are dismissed to attend Children’s Church.
Children's Church – 3 yr old through 1st grade
Junior Church – 2nd through 5th grade
A nursery is provided for infants & toddlers during during the worship service.

Kids Special Events
Children's Christmas Program: each year the children enjoy performing in a Christmas production during December to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Love Breakfast: the children learn about the importance of service by actually serving the adults a lovely breakfast in February.
VBS: Vacation Bible School is always a fun way for the kids to begin their summer!
Summer Camp at Camp Quaker Haven: any 3rd - 5th grader has the opportunity to go away to a wonderful Christian summer camp (close to Wichita) for a 4-5 day camp away from home. Our church has had a long standing relationship with Camp Quaker Haven.
Prayer Partners: all our children are partnered with adult prayer partners who pray for them year round. At the reception pictures are taken and the children get to meet their partners.

Awana is for ages 3 years old through High School and meets Mondays 6:30-8:00 pm during the school year.
There are four main aspects to Awana:
Music Time – a time of worship through songs.
Game Time – involves teams competing in action games.
Large Group Time – truths from God’s Word are shared.
Handbook Time – children work on their handbooks to earn badges and awards.
For more information on our AWANA Club visit: GFAwana.com